Project Description

The Innovation center of the Ústí region (ICUK) is a business support organization founded in 2015 by 3 institutions: the Ústí Region Authority, J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP) and the Regional Chamber of Commerce, for the purpose of building innovation ecosystem, supporting innovations and their implementation within the Ústí region (NUTS3CZ042 Ústecký kraj). 

The Ústí region is considered as a coal region in transition, facing many challenges. ICUK, in the role of executive body of the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS3), works towards developing the region through projects designed to generate new economic opportunities, better conditions, and new tools and services. In cooperation with regional partners, ICUK focuses on, amongst other themes, developing CCIs,  supporting entrepreneurship and developing diverse projects such as