Policy, Business, Education, Research and Tech in the Creative Industries

Jun 25 – Jul 1, 2018

June 26, 2018, Flanders DC: Summer School in Fashion Management

“Wil je alles weten over de ins en outs van fashion management en dit in de twee modesteden van Europa; Antwerpen en Parijs? Meld je dan voor 15 juli aan voor de Summer School in Fashion Management!”. More information at: https://www.flandersdc.be/nl/mode/agenda/summer-school-in-fashion-management-2018

June 26, 2018, Amsterdam Econ Board: Van mbo naar zzp: new creative starters biedt hulp

“De creatieve sector bestaat tegenwoordig voor de helft uit zzp’ers, maar startende vakmensen hebben vaak moeite een freelance bestaan op te bouwen”. More information at: https://www.amsterdameconomicboard.com/nieuws/van-mbo-naar-zzp-new-creative-starters-biedt-hulp

June 26, 2018, artnet news: “Can Artists Do Anything to Prevent Climate Change? Miami Beach Has Recruited One to Find Out”, by Eileen Kinsella

“Meet Misael Soto, the first artist-in-residence in Miami Beach’s Office of Resilience. Can an artist help tackle one of the biggest problems facing mankind? Miami Beach certainly thinks so. One of the most vulnerable cities in the United States to the effects of climate change, the metropolis has launched an innovative artist residency that aims to recruit an artist to help address rising sea levels. For one year, the artist will be embedded with the city as it works to develop a plan to respond to the rising tides”. Read the full text at: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/miami-beach-artist-residency-rising-sea-levels-1306526

June 27, 2018, CreativeTech: Évènement autour des pouvoirs de l’émotion

“Le centre Pompidou, le fonds d’acceleration et @CreativeTech s’associent pour créer un évènement autour des pouvoirs de l’émotion”. Check the hashtag #PouvoirsDeLemotion for more information.

June 27, 2018, The Conference: The Festival’s (Malmö, 1-7 Sept) programme is now out!

“The program to the big blend of beautiful side events we’ve all come to know as THE FESTIVAL (September 1-7) is finally out. Opera trucks! Cyber threat exercises! Artificial intelligence! Skinny dipping! Dinners! Movies! Parties! We’ve got it all, baby!”. More information at: https://2018.theconference.se/the-festival

June 27, 2018, Creative England: Simon Relph Memorial Bursary. Apply by the 27 July!

“The Simon Relph Memorial Bursary of £20k aims to enable a new or emerging independent producer to develop their slate of projects and support their career development. Apply by 27 July @creativeengland – learn more here http://www.creativeengland.co.uk/film-and-tv/simon-relph-memorial-bursary”.

June 28, 2018, Creative Industries UK: New Access to Finance research report: Finance key to growth plans of creative firms

“The UK’s creative businesses are ambitious. 75% plan to grow in the next year, compared to half of SMEs overall. Read our Access to Finance report, produced with @creativeengland, which highlights the potential of our nation’s creative industries”. Access the full report at: http://www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk/uk-creative-overview/news-and-views/news-creative-firms-growth-potential-highlighted

June 28, 2018, Arts Council Malta: Young Talent Fund to support young artists’ participation abroad

“Art Council Malta has just launched the Young Talent Fund to support the participation of young artists and performers in international platforms such as festivals, competitions, exhibitions and/or performances https://www.artscouncilmalta.org/news/young-talent-fund-to-support-young-artists-participation-abroad”.

June 28, 2018, Digital Catapult: Immersive Content Formats for Future Audiences – New report

This report on Immersive Content Formats for Future Audiences, conducted by Limina Immersive for Digital Catapult, takes a look back at the range of creative, immersive content experiences released in the last 4-5 years; identifying patterns, trends and insights into the formats that are beginning to emerge. By taking a step towards a taxonomy that describes these new creative formats, we hope to improve the way that we understand and share thinking about the future of immersive content, and ultimately move closer to finding the most engaging and sustainable forms of new media for our future audiences”. Read the full report at: https://www.digicatapult.org.uk/news-and-views/publication/content-immersive-report

June 28, 2018, Amanda J Williamson: “Understanding entrepreneurial success: A phenomenographic approach”, by Pablo Angel, Anna Jenkins and Anna Stephens

New study reports four ways that entrepreneurs understand success: Personal fulfillment, Customer satisfaction, Community impact, and Firm growth. ‘Understanding entrepreneurial success: A phenomenographic approach’”. Access it here: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0266242618768662

June 29, 2018, IDEO U: “3 Myths of Creativity & Ways to Overcome Creative Blocks”

“There’s a myth around creativity that you either have it or you don’t,” But, it’s not a fixed trait—it’s more like a muscle, one that needs to be flexed to stay strong. Here’s an exercise to try out to help spark your own creativity: https://www.ideou.com/blogs/inspiration/3-myths-of-creativity-ways-to-overcome-creative-blocks?utm_medium=organic-social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=4.3-uc-suz-brendan-webinar-recap-2018-jun”.

June 29, 2018, Creative Business Cup: Interview to Rasmus Wiinstedt Tscherning, presents Creative Business Cup’s CEO

“Creative Business Cup is the opportunity for startups to absorb knowledge, inspiration and establish valuable connections”. Our CEO, Rasmus Wiinstedt Tscherning, presents Creative Business Cup in this interview. Read more here https://www.icciproject.com/news/interview-with-rasmus-wiinstedt-tscherning/”.

June 29, 2018, Nesta: Evaluating Immersive User Experience and Audience Impact – New report

“This report on Evaluating Immersive User Experience and Audience Impact, conducted by Nesta and i2 Media Research for Digital Catapult, looks at the challenges of understanding the value of creative content while the consumer market for VR and AR content is still small, and traditional quantitative measures of measuring impact are not always available or reliable. The report develops a research methodology for testing and evaluating the experimental immersive content that is being made now, in a way that will help us predict the potential audience appetite, cultural impact, and commercial opportunity in the future”. Read full report at: https://www.digicatapult.org.uk/news-and-views/publication/audience-immersive-report

June 29, 2018, KEA European Affairs: The European Parliament unveils KEA Study on the Future of Creative Europe

“On 19 June 2018, KEA presented in the European Parliament its research on Creative Europe: Towards the Next Programme Generation. The presentation took place during an exchange of views between the European Commission (EC) and the CULT Committee on the EC proposal on the next programme to support the cultural and creative sectors (CCS). The evaluation of Creative Europe is taking place in a crucial period in which the EU is considering the next multiannual financial period (2020-2027)”. Read the full press release at: http://www.keanet.eu/communique-28-june-2018-european-parliament-unveils-kea-study-future-creative-europe/

June 29, 2018, Creative Europe: Call for proposals: tourism, culture and creativity

“Open Call – Tourism, culture & creativity. This call will support transnational projects that aim to explore the potential of #culture and the creative industries to develop and boost tourism. Deadline: 19 July https://europa.eu/cultural-heritage/news/call-proposals-tourism-culture-and-creativity_en”.