Policy, Business, Education, Research and Tech in the Creative Industries
Weekly, April 30 – May 6, 2018


Apr 30, 2018, Arts Council England: Contribution of the arts and culture industry to the UK economy

“The arts & culture industry has grown 10% in a year & now contributes £8.5bn to the UK economy! Find out how: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/economic-contribution?utm_content=buffer50bf8&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer”.

Apr 30, 2018, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie: Open Oproep Designing a Community of Care

“REMINDER Het Stimuleringsfonds nodigt gemeenten, zorgaanbieders en woningcorporaties van Nederland uit om samen met ontwerpers te werken aan de transitie van de zorg in de wijk”. More information at: https://stimuleringsfonds.nl/nl/actueel/nieuws/open_oproep_designing_a_community_of_care/?platform=hootsuite

May 1, 2018, Creative Victoria: State Budget delivers for Victoria’s creative industries

“The 2018-19 State Budget has delivered another great result for Victoria’s creative and cultural sector, with new initiatives totalling $78.7 million over four years”. More information at: https://creative.vic.gov.au/news/2018/state-budget-delivers-for-victorias-creative-industries

May 1, 2018, Creative Industries Council: Createch 2018 Summit (London, 12 June 2018)

“Organised by the Creative Industry Council as part of London Tech Week, the conference will showcase the international growth potential of the burgeoning Createch sector. Createch is a wide-ranging term that describes an eclectic array of projects combining technology and creativity. Musicians and artists using blockchain to protect and exploit their IP. Brands creating blending virtual reality and live experience to launch new products.  Craftspeople teaching new techniques to surgeons and scientists”. More information at: http://www.createch2018.com/about/

May 2, 2018, Creative Europe: EU Budget for the Future

“With a budget of €650 million, the new #CreativeEurope programme ensures continuous strong support for Europe’s #cultural & #creative sectors Read the full proposal here https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/budget-proposals-investing-people-may2018_en.pdf”.

May 2, 2018, CreativeTech: The changing role of the designer in the circular economy, by Chris Sherwin, via forum for the future

“The changing role of design must see us evolve the model from ‘human-centred’ to what I call ‘humanity-centred’ design, stretching beyond customers impacts alone to factor-in the wider impacts of an innovation on society and the planet”. Read the full text at: https://www.forumforthefuture.org/blog/changing-role-designer-circular-economy

May 2, 2018, OECD: Culture 3.0: Building competitiveness and innovative capacity through culture

Watch the webcast of OECD NAEC (New Approaches to Economic Challenges) seminar on “Culture 3.0: Building competitiveness and innovative capacity through culture” with Pier Luigi Sacco at: https://oecdtv.webtv-solution.com/mobile/index?embed=0&id=4648&type=auto&lang=or. And access his presentation at: http://www.oecd.org/naec/Pier_Luigi_Sacco_NAEC_May%202.pdf

May 2, 2018, THE ARTS+ Creative Business Festival (Frankfurt, 10-14 October 2018): This Year’s Programme: Cultivate our Cultural Heritage of Tomorrow

“Whether in the form of texts, images or videos, our cultural heritage is growing constantly. Increasingly, it is being produced not only by creative minds, but also by smart algorithms. Inspired by the European Year of Cultural Heritage, we want to seek out what is worth preserving in the past and present. How will our cultural heritage be preserved in the future – and by whom? What will be the selection criteria when everything migrates to the cloud? What part of what we are creating today – frequently with the help of machines – should be preserved for the future? Questions like these are at the heart of THE ARTS+ festival programme”. More information at: https://theartsplus.com/

May 4, 2018, Arts in Health Forum: Workshop – Music Technology for Hospital Patients (6 June 2018)

“Workshop – Music Technology for Hospital Patients 6 June 2018. A participatory music-making session run by @cwpluscharity Music and Sound Research Consultant Andy Hall No musical knowledge required! part of #CreativityandWellbeing Week 4-10 June 2018”. Check this and the rest of events that form the Creativity and Wellbeing Week (4-10 June 2018), a major festival highlighting work going on around arts and health, at: http://www.creativityandwellbeing.org.uk/

May 5, 2018, Creative England: Launch of the Creative Enterprise programme – Investing in the Future of Storytelling

“Creative Enterprise is bringing together companies who work in moving image for storytelling, spanning film and television, games and technology, to build meaningful connections and create opportunities for business growth. Through exclusive events and bespoke workshops led by industry leaders and mentors, Creative Enterprise will provide expertise and training to futureproof the next generation of moving image companies. Participants on the programme will be given access to exclusive online content from the workshops which will be taking place across the country”. More information at: http://www.creativeengland.co.uk/film-and-tv/creative-enterprise

May 5, 2018, El País: Las ferias de arte gritan por el altavoz, by Álex Vicente

“Durante décadas fueron burbujas aisladas del resto del mundo donde, a lo largo de un fin de semana largo, galerías y coleccionistas se encerraban para dedicarse a la compraventa de obras. Pero las ferias de arte, convertidas en un fenómeno global y millonario, se esfuerzan en abandonar ese vetusto modelo”. Read the full text at: https://elpais.com/cultura/2018/05/05/actualidad/1525533006_496183.html?id_externo_rsoc=TW_#economiacreativa