The European Creative Business Network starts collecting and publishing data and statistics as well as help and policy initiatives for the Cultural Creative Industries from across Europe, from national to local level, from governments and institutions to commercial or non profit initiatives: We try to provide a European lense – and please accept we might be not as quick and complete as we would like to be in these difficult lock-down times. We publish in English and/or (given capacity constraints) in all national languages – please use online translators in this case:

Update #5 – March 27

Sharp Decline in Austrian Creative Industries

The first evaluation of the Austrian part shows: Many in the cultural and creative industries are unsettled. According to this, two out of three respondents anticipate a loss in sales of up to a third.

Another 26 percent even assume that they will lose between 40 and 50 percent in the first three months. 15 percent in turn expect a loss of sales of 75 percent and more. A longer-term perspective up to the end of 2020 was also collected in the questionnaire created in collaboration with “Kreatives Sachsen”. 45 percent believe that they will have to deal with losses of up to 40 percent. 52 percent even expect declines of the order of 50 to 75 percent. Only three percent expect normalization by the end of the year.

Gerin Trautenberger, President Kreativwirtschaft Austria


COVID-19: Erste Daten zur Lage der österreichischen Kreativwirtschaft